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Volume (29)

Coperta nr 15

About the journal


Restorative approaches in schools as a possibility for preventative, social, educational and correctional resocialization work

Chankova, Dobrinka; Tsankov, Nikolay; Popova, Elina; pp. 7-15; Abstract

The importance of trait emotional intelligence in students' stress

Balgiu, Beatrice Adriana; pp. 16-26; Abstract

Pastoral counseling of young people with alcohol addiction

Dindelegan, Camelia; Dindelegan, Vasile; Roman, Daniela; pp. 27-49; Abstract

Teachers' education for the inclusion of children with ADHD into mainstream schools

Drugaş, Ioana; Drugaş, Marius; pp. 50-61; Abstract

The role of religious education in the moral development of preschoolers

Santi, Elena-Ancuţa; pp. 62-72; Abstract

Applying interactive whiteboard in IT training - aspects of motivation

Boneva, Ekaterina; Tsankov, Nikolay;pp. 73-80; Abstract

Preschool children's ability to solve conflicts

Bîrle, Delia; Iosif, Natalia; Coita, Cecilia; pp. 81-85; Abstract

Cognitive and metacognitive landmarks in academic learning. A comparative study

Roman, Daniela; pp. 86-93; Abstract

Homeschooling in Romania: A framework for future research

Pătroc, Dan; pp. 94-104; Abstract

Copeta nr 14

About the journal


Parents’ involvement and psycho-educational development of learners with special educational needs (SENs): An empirical review

Afolabi, Olusegun Emmanuel; pp. 7-31; Abstract

The development of empathy in pre-schoolers

Santi, Elena-Ancuţa ; pp. 32-38; Abstract

Gender differences in emotional and social competences: A comparative study on Romanian adolescents

Tufeanu, Magda; pp. 39-48; Abstract

Experiential strategies in the counseling of parental couples going through difficult situations

Anghel Stănilă, Elena; pp. 49-56 Abstract

Measuring student engagement with school across cultures: Psychometric findings from Portugal and Romania

Veiga, Feliciano Henriques; Robu, Viorel; pp. 57-72 Abstract

Speech therapy management: Where is it heading?

Peter, Karla; Florescu, Cristina;pp. 73-79 Abstract

The way children feel about school

Perţe, Andra; Pătroc, Dan; pp. 80-90 Abstract

Mother's emotional response as a contributing factor in the development of prosocial behavior

Bîrle, Delia; Iosif, Natalia; pp. 91-97 Abstract

Coperta nr 11

About the journal


Editorial. Dynamics of life and moving in to the future

Rohde, Ulrich L.; pp. 7-9; Full text

Developing an assessment scale for immoral behavior

Avram, Eugen; Ionescu, Daniela ; pp. 10-24; Abstract

Educational video games in the middle: parents, psychologists, gamers. A pilot study

Drugaş, Marius; pp. 25-41; Abstract

A brief review of ipsative measures in Psychology

Roşeanu, Gabriel; pp. 42-50 Abstract

On prosocial behavior and  moral motivation in the school competition area

Bîrle, Delia; Coita, Cecilia; pp. 51-58 Abstract

Impulsivity, hyperactivity, and attention deficit in terms of individual learner differences

Drugaş, Ioana; Csépes, Ildikó;  pp. 59-77 Abstract

Developing emotional and spiritual intelligence in children

Santi, Elena-Ancuţa; pp. 78-85 Abstract

Coperta nr 11

About the journal


Editorial. School Psychology in European countries facing economic challenges

Kant-Schpas, Marianne; pp. 7-16; Full text

The importance of health-related rights education for children. Sources and practical aspects in Romania

Csanád, Albert-Lorincz ; pp. 17-28; Abstract

Creativity and coping strategies in high-school students

Atudorei, Anca-Laura; pp. 29-35 Abstract

The assessment of social and emotional competences in adolescents: Constructing and experimenting a multidimensional questionnaire

Tufeanu, Magda; Robu, Viorel; pp. 36-65 Abstract

The role of the school psychologist in the partnership between kindergarten, school and family in Bulgaria

Stoyanova, Stanislava; Stanoeva, Gergana; pp. 66-73 Abstract

Prevention of suicide and attempted suicide in schools

Cornuţiu, Oana; pp. 74-81 Abstract

The Social Adjustment Questionnaire (SAQ): Development and initial validation on a sample of Romanian adolescents

Murariu, Dănuţ; pp. 82-90 Abstract

The role of psychopathological tendencies in the formation of personality of pupils with or without ADHD

Dindelegan, Camelia; pp. 91-101 Abstract

Ethical perspectives in adolescence: Relativism and idealims

Secui, Monica; Huza, Ana; pp. 102-115 Abstract

Coperta nr 11

About the journal


Perceived social support, school engagement, and school adjustment among adolescents: Testing a structural model of relationships

Robu, Viorel; pp. 7-29; Abstract

Mathematical implications in emulating the artistic genius. The Psychology of Creativity – Where to?

Coloja, Răzvan T.; pp. 30-54; Abstract

Emotional abuse - depressive index in school environment

Paşca, Maria Dorina; pp. 55-58 Abstract

Efficiency of Rational Emotive Behavior Religious Education in overcoming mourning

Balla, Anamaria; pp. 59-68 Abstract

Therapeutic interventions in ADHD. A training needs analysis for Psychology students

Drugaş, Marius; Drugaş, Ioana; pp. 69-81 Abstract

Gender stereotypes and in-group bias in early adolescence

Secui, Monica; Tanasov, Mirela; Farkas, Monica; pp. 82-104 Abstract

Perspectives on Play Psychology. Definitions, functions, and a short history

Bonchiş, Elena; pp. 105-114 Abstract

On career indecision: Testing the relationship between irrational thinking, self-esteem, trait anxiety and career decision-making self-efficacy

Perţe, Andra; pp. 115-125 Abstract

The relationship between bullying and irrational beliefs in a sample of Romanian students

Bîrle, Delia; Boşca, Sebastian; pp. 126-133 Abstract

Coperta nr 10

About the journal


On peer review systems and journals acceptance rate

Drugas, Marius; pp. 7-14; Abstract

Antecedents of school engagement among Romanian adolescents

Robu, Viorel; pp. 15-46; Abstract

High school students as subjects in the process of formation and development of cognitive competencies

Tsankov, Nikolay Sashkov; pp. 47-54 Abstract

Academic underachievement of contemporary adolescents: Meanings and causes explanations?

Tufeanu, Magda; pp. 55-75 Abstract

Experiential process to develop social-emotional skills with children in managing parents’ emotional issues after separation/divorce

Anghel, Elena; pp. 76-85 Abstract

Cultural transmission – the role of a democratic school

Lörincz, Martin Albert; pp. 86-93 Abstract

An indirect harmful effect of family violence: Children exposed to aggression against their mothers

Bora, Carmen; Hălmăjan, Angelica; Secui, Monica; Roman, Daniela; Decsei-Radu, Alina; Danciu, Magda; pp. 94-104 Abstract

The impact of counseling activities on the integration of children with learning difficulties in the peer group

Peter, Karla; Coturbaş, Lioara; Perţe, Andra; pp. 105-121 Abstract

Editor: Elena Bonchiş

About the journal


Coperta nr 9On open access, Thomson Reuters, and publishing pressures for the editors of small journals

Drugas, Marius; pp. 7-12 Abstract

Self-reported anger episodes in Romanian children, adolescents, and adults

Kassinove, Howard; Broll-Barone, Bruno; pp. 13-29 Abstract

Career decision difficulties. The effectiveness of a training program

Perţe, Andra; Pătroc, Dan; pp. 30-42 Abstract

The concept-event pair competence - competency in education sciences

Tsankov, Nikolay Sashkov; pp. 43-52 Abstract

Educational valences of personal development experiential group for parents and pre-school children

Anghel, Elena; pp. 53-62 Abstract

Tolerance for ambiguity and creativity. Research on Romanian students at the Polytechnic University

Balgiu, Beatrice Adriana; pp. 63-74 Abstract

Games and exercises in the form of games used in therapy and the development of neropsychological and cognitive processes of dyslexic and dysgraphic children

Chişu, Silviana; pp. 75-85 Abstract

Linguistic competence: Psychopedagogical and psycholinguistic approaches

Botnari, Valentina; Mîsliţchi, Valentina; pp. 86-99 Abstract

The development of inter-modal perception in the case of children with learning difficulties

Peter, Karla; Coturbaş, Lioara; pp. 100-110 Abstract

Editor: Elena Bonchiş

About the journal


Coperta nr 8Video game addiction among Romanian adolescents: A profile of characteristics

Robu, Viorel; pp. 7-31 Abstract

Psychosocial aspects of aggression in school environment

Csibi, Sandor; Csibi, Monika; pp. 32-47 Abstract

Antisocial behavior and academic problems in youths: A Multisystemic Therapy approach

Lulea, Cătălin T.; pp. 48-56 Abstract

Emotional Intelligence and personality constructs

Stoyanova, Stanislava; pp. 57-75 Abstract

How about people expectations

Maas, Margaret M.; Silaghi, Helga M.; pp. 76-81 Abstract

The attitude towards abortion among Romanian adolescents. Implications for the intervention of school psychologists

Robu, Viorel; Segărceanu, Nicoleta-Loredana; Chiper, Alexandru; pp. 82-101 Abstract

Present and future aspects on the integration of children with mental defficiency

Popovici, Doru Vlad; Doru, Monica; pp. 102-115 Abstract

Editor: Elena Bonchiş

About the journal


Coperta nr 7Anger and music in adolescent cognitive therapy: Are we missing a potential aid in intervention?

Toohey, Michael J.; Kassinove, Howard; Broll-Barone, Bruno; pp. 7-18 Abstract

The homeostasis of motivation and well-being. An experimental study on a sample of Psychology students

Drugaş, Marius; pp. 19-39 Abstract

The dynamics of the relation between direct and indirect aggression in the behavioral manifestations of middle and high-school students

Marian, Claudia; Călăuz, Adriana; Tofană, Vasile; pp. 40-53 Abstract

The reality of living with ADHD

Bilbow, Andrea; pp. 54-58 Abstract

An adaptation and validation study of the Romanian version of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire

Perţe, Andra; Bîrle, Delia; pp. 59-72 Abstract

Aspects and predictive models of family functioning

Decsei-Radu, Alina; Roşeanu, Gabriela; Ţirtea, Florina Lorena; pp. 73-88 Abstract

Traits of public school teacher's social representations of mentally challenged students

Popovici, Doru Vlad; pp. 89-99 Abstract

Cinemaeducation - the film as a form of psychopedagogy of art

Dumitrache, Sorina Daniela; pp. 100-104 Abstract

The contamination of teachers' assessment of high-school students' social ability: The effect of academic results

Robu, Viorel; pp. 104-118 Abstract

Editor: Elena Bonchiş

About the journal


coperta nr 6Professional competences: interpretations from a modern demands perspective

Botnari, Valentina; pp. 7-15 Abstract

The professional activity of school psychologists: needs and ideals

Drugaş, Ioana; Dulău, Alina; Drugaş, Marius; pp. 16-38 Abstract

Disruptive anger in adolescents: theory, research, and treatment issues

Broll-Barone, Bruno; Iacovelli, Anthony; Kassinove, Howard; pp. 39-46 Abstract

Who are the victims and aggressor at school? Does victimization constitute a dominant factor in the development of aggression in children and adolescents?

Hangan, Andreea Ioana; Petruţ, Jenica; pp. 47-60 Abstract

Studying the transliteral equivalence between the original English version of the Test Anxiety Inventory - TAI - and the Romanian version - IAT

Robu, Viorel; pp. 61-71 Abstract

Measuring irrational beliefs with the IDEA Inventory: A proposed revision

Buianina, Tatiana; Armelius, Bengt-Åke; pp. 72-80 Abstract

Adolescents' identity orientation and perception of the parenting context

Negovan, Valeria; Asiminei, Minodora; pp. 81-94 Abstract

Creativity and academic achievement of younger pupils

Petrulytė, Ala; pp. 95-99 Abstract

Perspectives upon competences in the Russian system of preschool education teachers training

Volobueva, Ludmila; Osinenko, Maria; pp. 100-103 Abstract

Investigating the relationship between self-esteem, dieting beliefs and body esteem in the case of adolescents

Roşeanu, Gabriel; Fako, Anita; pp. 104-112 Abstract

The making of personality

Maas, Margaret M.; pp. 113-116 Abstract