The Romanian Journal of School Psychology (ISSN 2248-244X; ISSN-L 2448-244X) is a semi-annual peer-reviewed journal, supported by The National Association of School Psychologists (Asociaţia Naţională a Psihologilor Şcolari). Starting from 2012, the journal is printed in June and December.
The journal takes into consideration for publishing articles from the field of school / educational psychology or related fields, corresponding to one of the following categories:
- research that entail the scientific method (experimental, quasiexperimental, correlational, metaanalitical, case study etc.) in order to explain various aspects of human activity in the educational context;
- theoretical syntheses which extend conceptual understanding, describe a new perspective / a set of ideas / connections between theories and which emphasize the personal contribution of the author(s);
- interviews with prestigious personalities from the field of school psychology;
- reviews of books and articles relevant for the field of school psychology;
- descriptions of scientific events (conferences, summer schools, specialization courses, round tables etc.) relevant for the field of school psychology.
The accepted articles will be published in one of the sections of the journal: Studies and Research, Interviews, Reviews, Scientific Life.
The Romanian Journal of School Psychology is indexed in: Central and Eastern European Online Library; Index Copernicus International (ICV 2019: 75.84), SCIPIO, and EBSCO (Education Source Collection).