Perceived social support, school engagement, and school adjustment among adolescents: Testing a structural model of relationships
Robu, Viorel; pp. 7-29; Abstract
Mathematical implications in emulating the artistic genius. The Psychology of Creativity – Where to?
Coloja, Răzvan T.; pp. 30-54; Abstract
Emotional abuse - depressive index in school environment
Paşca, Maria Dorina; pp. 55-58 Abstract
Efficiency of Rational Emotive Behavior Religious Education in overcoming mourning
Balla, Anamaria; pp. 59-68 Abstract
Therapeutic interventions in ADHD. A training needs analysis for Psychology students
Drugaş, Marius; Drugaş, Ioana; pp. 69-81 Abstract
Gender stereotypes and in-group bias in early adolescence
Secui, Monica; Tanasov, Mirela; Farkas, Monica; pp. 82-104 Abstract
Perspectives on Play Psychology. Definitions, functions, and a short history
Bonchiş, Elena; pp. 105-114 Abstract
On career indecision: Testing the relationship between irrational thinking, self-esteem, trait anxiety and career decision-making self-efficacy
Perţe, Andra; pp. 115-125 Abstract
The relationship between bullying and irrational beliefs in a sample of Romanian students
Bîrle, Delia; Boşca, Sebastian; pp. 126-133 Abstract