Early parenting – strategies, methods and experiential working techniques
Anghel, Elena; pp. 7-12; Abstract
Internalizing dimensions profiles of children referred for externalizing behaviours in school psychological services
Quartier, Vincent; Antonietti, Jean-Philippe; Nashat, Sadegh; pp. 13-34; Abstract
Integrated education and inclusive education
Ciobanu, Nicoleta; pp. 35-39; Abstract
Students’ primary to middle school transition
Bîrle, Delia; Secui, Monica; Curta, Iosif; pp. 40-48; Abstract
Variables involved in the academic performance of primary school children
Bochiș, Laura; Roman, Daniela; Popa, Carmen; pp. 49-67; Abstract
Educational video games revisited: Perspectives from parents, gamers, and specialists
Drugaș, Marius; Ciordaș, Daniel; pp. 68-82; Abstract
The study of aggression and anxiety at patients diagnosed with diabetes
Dindelegan, Camelia; pp. 83-91; Abstract
Student engagement with school: Conceptual and applicative dimensions
Caranfil, Nicoleta Gianina; Robu, Viorel; pp. 92-114; Abstract