Examining the ethical knowledge and application ethics among school psychologists in Romania
Bîrle, Delia; Bonchiş, Elena; Oakland, Thomas; Opre, Adrian; Crişan, Daniela; Jimerson, Shane R. ; pp. 7-24; Abstract
Strong points within cooperative relationships among readiness grade teachers and the others partners of education
Popa, Carmen; Bochiş, Laura; 25-34; Abstract
Psychology of education and educational values in the pediatrics clinic
Anghel-Stănilă, Elena; pp. 35-39; Abstract
Exploring the effect of socio-cultural and human capital on parental home involvement in education of learners with special needs (SENs)
Afolabi, Olusegun Emmanuel; Mukhopadhyay, Sourav; Nenty, H. Johnson; pp. 40-56; Abstract
Attention Defficit/Hyperactivity Disorder as a social construct. Some thoughts concerning education
Drugaş, Ioana; Drugaş, Marius; pp. 57-67; Abstract